Cancer takes a toll on more than just a patient’s physical health. During times of financial hardship, the Cancer Care Fund can help with direct patient financial support for household bills to cancer patients receiving care across the Guthrie network.

The Cancer Care Fund was built from the hearts and wallets of Guthrie’s own staff and providers who saw an unmet need for their patients and filled the gap together and invited community donors like you to join the effort. 

The fund began accepting applications for financial support from patients in December 2019 and has operated on the generosity of staff, provider, and community donations successfully since then. In the first full year of operation - calendar year 2020 - more than 30 patients were assisted by this fund with the top requests being for financial support for utilities and housing. Due to greater need and increased donor support, the count nearly tripled in calendar 2021 with 89 patients assisted. 

With your gift, you are helping a cancer patient who is in financial hardship with opportunities like staying current on their housing payment and enjoying hot water, light, and heat.

Support a cancer patient in financial need with a gift to the Guthrie Cancer Care Fund today.

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